Maine Mass Shooting Proves Gun Free Zones Get People Killed

10 months ago

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On the front entrance of Just in Time Recreation bowling alley where the Maine mass shooter committed the massacre, there was a sign with a message that read, "We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing firearms in this building and we would appreciate it if you left them in your vehicle. Please keep our atmosphere family-friendly."

Unfortunately, that sign did absolutely nothing to prevent a madman with a gun from walking right into the bowling alley, resulting in the loss of innocent lives.

It's clear that while this sign aimed to establish a Gun-Free Zone, it failed to deter the perpetrator.

What it did achieve, however, was disarming law-abiding citizens who obeyed the sign and left their firearms behind.

We're going to explore why Gun Free Zones Get People Killed and talk about the effectiveness of such zones and the safety of those who abide by these rules.

In this video, we're going to explore the statistics and facts surrounding Gun-Free Zones. Did you know that since 1950, a staggering 94% of mass attacks occurred in Gun-Free zones? That's a striking and concerning figure, and we need to understand why this pattern persists.

So, join me as we delve deep into this issue, examining the implications, discussing potential solutions, and, most importantly, engaging in a conversation that's crucial for the safety and security of our communities.

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