Customer centric?

11 months ago

After interviewing 150+ business leaders over the past 2 years here is what I have found.

Everyone wants to go fast.

But no one wants to break things.

Without the infinite money ramp, companies actually need to look at every action in terms of commercial viability. For some, this is something new in entirety.

Which leaves many not knowing how to move from no intent lead gen and into better targeting, actual marketing, and things like purchasing and delivery pathways.

The challenge is, we have had the last 15 years or so, on the gravy train where the fix for everything was budget or bodies.

Looking at the machine more closely companies now realise how many deals fall over while purchasing or at CS.

In most cases, thats due to not having a communication plan and signed agreeables.

Some have turned to chatgpt, as a quick fix for the frameworks.

But, none of that will matter if the purchase pathway to buy from you is too difficult.

And in actual fact, most of the leaders and business I speak with, have adhoc/ and or no defined process.

So how do we on one hand expect to be customer centric, if we wouldn’t buy from our own purchase pathways?

When was the last time you audited your own process? And mocked bought from you?


So what are some things we can do to improve this into a seamless action for buyers?

Know everything they need to produce in one go, to make it that way.

As my brother in the building industry would say time and time again, measure twice cut once.

Because when we don’t customers get shitty and leave, sighting it’s too hard.


What details do you need?
Who is involved?
Known gaps in your solution versus their requirement? - What is the mitigation strategy?
Pass company credit? To what level on veda and verifact?
Legal contract supply clauses? - if so, to what levels, and who handles?
Have you bedded down the communication plan? - Is CS already in the fold, so they can knock it out of the park? Signed agreeables done?
When, do CS activate? At credit, legal? Settlement call? When?


Within the pack:
Completed and approved credit.
Completed and signed order / Contract
Completed and signed communication plan.
Completed activation / settlement date
Visitation cycle? How often.
Video call cycle? How often.
Phone call cycle? How often.
Parking - Where - Permit no Permit - Validation available yes no.
Gifts - What do they expect - Coffee - Donuts - Lunch?
Backup contacts for site(s).
Agreed KPI’s.
Stakeholder contacts for QBRs.

It’s so simple, but often overlooked by the many.

We only need to look at the sheer volume of stories on here, only hearing from suppliers at renewal time because the price is going up.

That simply wouldn’t happen if you had a communication plan, and signed agreeables to hold both parties to account.

Set yourself for success today.

#ManderovicMethods #ClosedCircuitSelling #Marketing #Revenue #Deals

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