Dr Tom Cowan on Biological Scientist Harold Hillman's 47 Unanswered Questions for Biologists!

1 year ago

In this webinar, Dr. Cowan discusses Harold Hillman's 47 questions for biologists and why this is relevant. He also played a video with the Bengals and guest speaker The Mentalist.

Harold Hillman's work. How Much Modern Biology is a Fraud?

47 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS IN BIOLOGY. 27 May 1996. June/July 1996

Harold Hillman (16 August 1930 - 5 August 2016) was a British scientist and expert in the neurobiology of execution methods. He was born in London. Theories. Hillman caused controversy in biological fields with his insistence that structures seen in cells under the electron microscope were little more than

Dr. Tom Cowan
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