Romantic Feeling of Autumn | October Moments Shared With You

1 year ago

Hello my lovelies and thank you for choosing to spend time with me in these autumn days in my life. I'm happy to share what autumn looks like through my eyes and hopefully provide some romantic feelings of autumn while the season lasts. These have been some busy days and my birthday was in October as well so I have had a lot to be thankful for. Productive moments in the garden, fulfilling my dream by installing a beautiful new mailbox, and making coffee at home are just a few of the moments I am sharing to portray what autumn looks like for me. Thank you so much for watching and please stay tuned for my next vlog coming soon. I'm sending lots of love and coziness your way until I see you next time. God bless!


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More about Awapuhi, aka Shampoo Ginger:
Shampoo Ginger is a perennial from the ginger family of plants. It grows great in moist, shaded, forested areas in tropical areas around the world such as it's native home Hawaii. It is a deciduous ginger that goes dormant in the winter. Both the leaves and the pine cone-like inflorescence's arise each year in the summer from underground rhizomes. The floral bracts are green when young and red when mature.

The flowers and rhizomes are very fragrant, with a pleasant warm ginger spice scent. They produce a red juice that collects inside of the flower cone. It is slightly sudsy (saponins!) and the cones can be squeezed and used for shampoo, hence the name of the plant! Collecting the sap into a paste and applying it to the hair can help brighten and condition it. The sap can also be massaged into the skin. The root is edible and traditionally used in native medicine, but is bitter to the taste, because of saponins, and seldom used. This plant and extracts of it are used in several popular industrial hair cleaning and conditioning products. Shampoo Ginger is a great plant for those seeking a natural solution to hygiene and hair care.

The leaves and leaf stalks are edible, and can be used in cooking to impart a ginger flavor and taste to pork, fish, and other sources of meat. Traditionally meat is wrapped in the leaves and placed in underground ovens to cook. Medicinally the plant has several well researched uses including as an anti-inflammatory, for digestive issues, for treating diarrhea, and for treating intestinal worms.

More Info:

00:00 Introduction
00:55 Heading Out to the Lake
03:12 Coming Alive in Nature
04:56 Repotting My New Plant
06:35 Elephant Ear Plants
08:21 Calla Lilies
09:53 Shampoo Ginger (Awapuhi)
13:41 Bringing My New Plant Inside
15:07 Nature & Wildlife
15:55 Post-Hurricane Bonfire
16:31 Assembling Our Charming Mailbox
21:22 Friday Errands & Shopping
23:23 Brewing Pumpkin Pie Coffee
25:24 Chatting Over Coffee
29:41 Romantic Birthday Dinner
30:32 The End

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"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17


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