Love and Light

10 months ago

Choosing love and light is a path of courage. A journey into the depths of oneself, shining a light into the dark corners of our souls, confronting our fears, insecurities, our challenges. But this journey is not about condemnation. Instead, it is about love. Loving every part of ourselves, even the parts that we find difficult to face. To choose love and light is to accept oneself fully, with all our strengths and sensitivities.
At its core, the journey of love and light is towards fulfilling your Soul’s potential. It requires a deep and abiding devotion to bringing out the best in ourselves. This means nurturing our strengths, while acknowledging and uprooting the aspects of ourselves that no longer serve us. It is about growth, and constantly moving towards a more whole and complete version of ourselves. It is a commitment to spiritual growth, literally the embodiment of the LOVE and LIGHT of our Souls growing in expression through our human experience.
When we choose to become the light in our own darkness, we become a beacon of inspiration and direction in a world that feels spiritually darkened. Our journey of fulfilling our Soul’s purpose is the ultimate act of appreciation for the Love and Light our Soul provided, and illuminates the path for others, showing them that it is possible to confront our darkness, to love ourselves fully, and to continually move towards fulfilling our Soul’s potential. creating a profound impact on ourselves and the world around us.
If you're ready to embark on this journey, "Soul Much Love" might be just what you're looking for. We start January 11 and I’m offering a limited number of spaces - only eight - for those who are ready to courageously shine their light in their darkness and learn to love themselves fully. You can apply today, or choose the Self Study option and join the group later. I’m here to empower you on your journey towards love, light, and appreciating the fullness of your Soul’s potential. Interested? Find the link in my bio to get started!
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