Roger Nygard | The Truth About Marriage: What Makes Happy Relationships Work | Wellness Force

3 years ago

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“Soulmates are a problematic concept. You have to lower your expectations a little bit because society has given us all these expectations of what the perfect partner is like which are impossible for anyone to meet. It's better to find someone that you can both grow into soulmates over time and look at them from that perspective. Search for someone that you can finally be yourself around without any fear, retribution, or shame. Someone who celebrates who you are is going to want to be with you and you're going to want to be with them.”

Film director and producer of several productions including the documentary, The Truth About Marriage, Roger Nygard, shares what makes relationships work, how to increase your chances of finding a soulmate, why polyamory is sacred for some couples, how and when to have difficult conversations plus the concept of The Gottman Institute's Four Horsemen and ultimate relationship deal-breakers.

What makes us happy in relationships? Why do relationships fail?

Join us as Roger shares the best tools to help keep your relationship alive, how to handle conflict better, and the No. 1 piece of relationship advice.

Listen To Episode 374 As Roger Nygard Uncovers:

(0:00) The Secret To Happiness
(15:30) Why Are Relationships So Difficult?
(26:30) How To Attract A Mate
(34:30) Why Relationships Fail
(43:30) Can A Polyamorous Relationship Work?
(50:30) Do You Value Your Partner Enough?
(55:30) How To Have A Difficult Conversation & Handle Conflict Better
(1:06:30) How To Keep Your Relationship Alive

The Secret To Happiness

-Exploring what it means to be with someone emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
-The quest for finding our soulmate and the journey it leads us on.

Why Are Relationships So Difficult?

-Why happiness is a side effect of having a purpose in life, not a goal.
-Unpacking the science behind why we're the happiest when we're in the present moment.

How To Attract A Mate

-Why he chose to have Neil Strauss be a key part of his movie, The Truth About Marriage.
-The fact that we never stop growing and maturing.
-Why humans will always be complex creatures and there will always be something new to learn about our partner.

Why Relationships Fail

-Unpacking The Gottman's Four Horsemen: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling.
-The big question to ask yourself about your relationship: Do you and your partner hold contempt for one another?

Can A Polyamorous Relationship Work?

-The devastating impact of being in a relationship where the other person makes you feel ashamed of yourself.
-What he's learned from spending time with a polyamorous couple during the making of The Truth About Marriage.

Do You Value Your Partner Enough?

-Breaking down the unintended consequences of technology striving forward in the name of progress.
-Why one of the Gottman's Horsemen, Contempt, is such a deal-breaker for many relationships.
- How to get out of your Contempt rut by actively participating in the relationship in a positive way and valuing what your partner has to say or offer.

How To Have A Difficult Conversation & Handle Conflict Better

-How we can learn to handle conflict better in relationships with constructive discussions.
-Why men hate being ambushed about things their partner wants to discuss with them and it's better to schedule important conversations.
-The importance of removing the word, “should,” from your vocabulary when speaking with your partner.
-How to end every conflict to make the conversation so much better for both of you.

How To Keep Your Relationship Alive

-Tools that we can use to help reset our nervous system and get into these states of clarity.
-The importance of honoring active intention in your relationship now and in the future so that it doesn't deteriorate.


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