Meet David Crawley - R.I.P.

7 months ago

In early 2015, filmmaker David Crowley, along with his wife and their 5-year-old daughter, were found dead in their home. David Crowley was working on a film called “Gray State,” and as a result of his death the film was never completed.

Police knew who David Crowley was, because David had contacted them years prior to alert them that he was producing a movie project called “Gray State” (not “A Gray State) that depicts a terrifying futuristic time in America in which citizens are under the brutal control by militarized police, a surveillance state and the use of DHS FEMA camps. Crowley informed police that actors may be running around and had even invited them to participate in filming.

To clarify, David’s movie, “Gray State,” was never made into a movie. He produced three movie trailers and (supposedly) a movie script. The subject matter was said to be titillating for libertarian-minded government-conspiracy theorists.

To clarify, David’s movie, “Gray State,” was never made into a movie. He produced three movie trailers and (supposedly) a movie script. The subject matter was said to be titillating for libertarian-minded government-conspiracy theorists.

A 7-minute short documentary (“Gray State – The Movie THEY did NOT want made“) explaining what happened has been making the rounds of the Internet again lately, and this short video is also included in Altiyan Childs’s 5-hour documentary on Freemasons that we have previously published. It is very well-done, and worth watching.

There is also a 1.5 hour documentary done on David Crowley called “A Gray State,” but it appears to be an attempt to discredit his work and label him as a deranged “conspiracy theorist.”

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