800,000 terrorists from countries like Communist China and Russia have crossed the US border

8 months ago

11/01/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】An audience member said that at least 800,000 terrorists from countries including Communist China and Russia have reportedly crossed the U.S. border in the past three years. Even more concerning is that there is an embedded group called “Hezbollah Unit 910” that has been lurking in the U.S. for a decade. Once activated, it will attack major targets such as the Empire State Building, Washington, D.C. targets, bridges, and power stations. It may even poison the U.S. water supply!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #NFSC
11/01/2023 【妮可参加温图森中国观察节目】一位听众表示,有报道称在过去的三年里至少有80万包括从中共国和俄罗斯等多国来的恐怖分子已越过美国边境。更令人担忧的是,一个叫“真主党910部队”的卧底势力在美国已潜伏十年之久,他们如若被启动,会对帝国大厦、华盛顿特区、桥梁、供电站等大型目标进行攻击,甚至在美国的饮用水里下毒!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #新中国联邦

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