FLAVOUR BAN FEVER | Canadian Provinces Threaten Health Gains | RegWatch

1 year ago

With Quebec’s flavour ban on nicotine vaping products now in effect, the clock is ticking on what may become a public health disaster for the province. According to a growing body of research on the impact of flavour bans, sales of combustible cigarettes are likely to grow while safer nicotine vaping products crater. Most alarmingly, where sales of flavoured nicotine products are restricted, teens tend to turn to smoking—destroying the very reason for implementing flavour bans in the first place.

Joining today to discuss Canada’s flavour ban fever is Dr. Michael Pesko, the J. Rhoads Foster Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri. He’s a co-author of new research examining the effects of flavor restrictions on tobacco product sales. The results are troubling, indicating a rise in combustible cigarette sales where flavor bans are implemented.

Do flavour bans cause more harm than good? Find out!

Only on RegWatch by RegulatorWatch.com

Released: November 1, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is part of our “Last Stand” coverage

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