Baby Laughs At Grandfather's Teasing In The Most Adorable Way

7 years ago

Grandparents would do anything to make their precious grandchildren happy. Take for example this grandfather who found a simple but effective way to cheer up his grandchild and put a smile on the adorable baby face!

While holding his grandchild, this caring grandfather decided to make a few "sounds" to bring a smile on the little guy's face. His trick certainly worked!

The grandfather touches his grandchild's nose with a handkerchief and makes a strange noise to which the baby cracks up. It is adorable to hear this baby break into the most hilarious laughter.

The grandfather repeats the same maneuver over a dozen times and he gets the same adorable reaction from his grandchild every single time!

This is one cheerful little fellow, who sure knows how to have a great time and it sure doesn't take much to make this baby laugh out loud in the most cutest way possible!

The baby is first smiling and chuckling, and breaks out into fits of giggles, after being repeatedly teased by the grandfather, several seconds later. It is one happy little baby indeed!

A voice of a woman laughing can be heard in the background, supposedly that is baby's mother, who is also amused with this performance. It is heart-melting to hear this baby go!

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