Healing Mom. Autism, Pandas, Depression

7 months ago

Kerri Rivera is a mom with a story of heartbreak and triumph. She and her family have endured so much over the 19 years since her youngest was diagnosed with Autism.
She has learned that if you want a solution, you(her and family)will be the only resource that you can truly count on. This is a journey many have faced and it has ransacked marriages and families with absolute precision.
She has beat all the bushes and learned what has worked and what hasn't from a myriad of potential solutions.
There are too many conditions to mention, but some prominent ones would be Autism, OCD, Lime, Pandas, Depression and Hypothyroidism.
Kerri's steps to help guide families to reconnection and health include a call or email to her at kerri@kerririvera.com. CHANGE that DIET! Protocols for CD.
Homeopathic doctor, author and health consultant.
Great resource for any families facing medical challenges that seem unsurmountable. Reach out. Share the videos.


email: kerri@kerririvera.com

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/iamkerririvera/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iamkerririvera?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


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