Did you know… 😱😱😱

7 months ago

There are jails cells at the bottom of the Capitol Building?
Did you know…
The House Speaker (Mike Johnson) can order the Sergeant at Arms to arrest anyone who defies a congressional subpoena?
“When you have a department of Justice you cannot rely on, to fulfill a congressional subpoena, congress has this thing called “Inherent Contempt of Congress Powers”, which means the speaker of the house can send the Sergeant at Arms out and go and arrest anyone that defies a congressional subpoena.”
“So you’re trying to tell me Kevin McCarthy, let’s say Fauci defies a subpoena…?”
“Yeah. He can be arrested by the Sargent at Arms at the direction of Kevin McCarthy & held in detention.”
“Well, there are jail cells at the bottom of the capital building. People don’t know that but they’re there.”
This video:
https:// (https://t.co/bxq55hfdJV)rumble.com/v24xdb2-kash-p (https://t.co/bxq55hfdJV)atel-inherent-contempt-if-congress-powers-and-jain-cells-at-bottom-of.html (https://t.co/bxq55hfdJV)
About the photo:
1. Create Hamas.
2. Distribute it throughout Palestine.
3. Declare Hamas as enemies and terrorists.
4. Bomb the territory of Palestine.
5. Call the civilians killing "the cost of the war on Hamas."
Perfect cynicism.
North Korea will start arming Palestine and Iran-backed resistance axis militias - Wall Street Journal
According to a report by the WSJ, the National Intelligence Service of South Korea claim they have received credible evidence that DPRK Leader Kim Jong Un has ordered his government to begin providing support to the Palestinians, including Hamas.
According to the NIS, he has also ordered officials to begin looking into the possibility of weapons shipments to resistance axis militias across the Middle East.
You can watch "The Police State: Weaponized Government Against the American People" free here:

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