1 Corinthians 01, Background and Introduction

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SBC Family,

Last week we went into Acts 19 where Paul was at Ephesus. This is where he wrote 1 Corinthians from. At the time he was having great success in Ephesus and all Asia heard the word of the Lord. Paul's teaching was so influential it was impacting the entire economy of Ephesus! At the same time, the church in Corinth was not doing so well. They lived in a very diverse culture that was deeply alluring. Idolatry, food, music, entertainment, sports, libertarianism, prostitution, fornication, asceticism, you name it, they had it, and the Corinthians were struggling to get out of it.

Tonight we'll get into this background of Corinth and why Paul struggled with this church more than any other. I'll show you some neat things that will be like keys to unlock Corinthians.

See the attached handout.

Grace to you,



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