“They’re Willing To Do It To KIDS!!” Joe Rogan/Russell Brand SLAMS Vaccines & Big Pharma

1 year ago

DnaeCrra: No, none of these vaccines' aka jabs are safe for anyone not even us old people, it is dangerous, it killed two of my friends who were older than me. I am big pharma free and healthier now than I have ever been, I got all big pharma's poisons out of my system. I have not been sick in almost 4yrs now, I had the flu aka covid, and beat it w/o medical intervention and I am old. In fact, none of the immunizations they are giving children are safe, none of them should be injected with them. Let their immune system do the job it was made to do. If I had known then what I know now, none of my kids would have been immunized, it's all a scam. Big pharma profits off the sick, there is no money in the healthy. Stop the damned medical merry go round and go back to the herbs/plants that were put here on this planet for us to use, they are much safer, it was big pharma who lied to the public about herbs our ancestors used for centuries, all for profit. It's the immunizations that have caused many children to have autism and other health issues. Open your eyes people.
From what I have read, none of these so-called elitists have been immunized or take any flu shots as they all know it's a scam. And as for taking the 'jab', do you seriously think any of them would risk their positions, power, control and money on taking a jab they know was made to cause harm/kill off the population. It was not covid that killed people, it was the 'cure', which why did anyone need a cure for a flu that had a 99.99% survival rate, a bit less for old people like me, but I still will not take it, ever. They came up with the 'cure' way too fast, it was already created long before they screamed pandemic, which it was just the flu rebranded, to scare the population into wanting a cure, it was a scamdemic that the elite profited like mad from, it was all about the "Benjamins baby" and control. Remember they want rid of the peasants, they want this world for themselves, as they think they own it.

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