United Nations to Allow Iran to be Head of Human Rights?

7 months ago

"UN Human Rights Forum Faces Controversy as Iran Takes the Chair on Thursday, Prompting Global Protests

GENEVA, October 30 — Iran's upcoming assumption of the chairmanship of a UN human rights forum this Thursday has ignited a wave of international protests. Human rights activists argue that Tehran's history of oppression, torture, and executions makes it an unfit candidate for the position.

The appointment of Iran's regime was made in May by the President of the UN Human Rights Council, designating them as the Chair of the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum.

EU Foreign Affairs Chief Josep Borrell has defended Iran's appointment, citing regional rotation as a key factor, and asserting that it aligns with established UN procedures.

However, research from UN Watch reveals that the Asian group, to which Iran belongs, has held this position four times in the past six years, effectively excluding other regional groups.

There remains a possibility for Iran's appointment to be challenged through a special meeting of the council before Thursday. Hillel Neuer, the Executive Director of UN Watch, an independent non-governmental human rights organization based in Geneva, has drafted a resolution for adoption by member countries."

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