7 months ago

COVID was a biological chemical attack, it was going to be used with Hillary as president. They created a problem they already had a solution to. When you know Bush junior wrote presidential directives for federal continuity, and even more damning, when you apply that Obama wrote an executive order in 2009 that specifically says, “Establishing federal capability for the timely provision of medical countermeasures following a biological attack”, along with mainstream news sources, Bill Gates talking about pandemics and vaccines in 2012. It's very easy to see what was going to happen.

During COVID, the Federal Reserve took a back seat to the Trump controlled Treasury Department for the first time in 100 years. The Fed submitted and paid out all liquidity while our Treasury secured the assets. It used to be the other way around. Fast forward to a glimpse of today and the Federal Reserve has gone bankrupt. New financial systems are being created. The dollar is failing and will die fairly soon.

BRICS - More than 20 countries have formally applied to become part of bricks, ranging from Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia, Argentina and Indonesia. Experts say Saudi Arabia is a strong candidate as a major economic and industry power in the Middle East with a growing role in regional diplomacy.

The BRICS countries together make up more than 40% of the world's population and almost a third of the world's GDP. According to data from the International Monetary Fund, the bloc has already overtaken the G7 nations share of the global economy on the basis of purchasing power parity.

Executive Order 13912, March 27th, 2020, Donald Trump federalizes the National Guard and Reserves to active duty because of those unaddressed national emergencies. From 2017 to March 2020, Donald Trump declared 9 national emergencies. Seven were executive orders and all were unaddressed by Congress. This equals a military operation, a Continuation of Government, a Destroying of the Federal Corporation.

If Biden was actually president, would he extend a number of these executive orders that go against his lifelong policies, ones created by Trump, pacifically meant for the takedown of the cabal? This is a perfect sign that shows the military is in control of a lot of what you are seeing. Biden's admin is nothing but a continuation of government, but they're the sign that's exposing their crimes to the public.

Executive Order 13912 didn't set to expire until March 2022. Why did he extend it in 2021? He extended it again in 2022, which now makes the National Guard and Reserves on active duty till March 2024. The Space Force has never been uttered from Biden's mouth. The Space Force articles have never mentioned Joe Biden. The Army transferred all communications to the Space Force in August 2022 to one command, and one commander in chief, Donald Trump.

Biden campaigned that he was going to shut down Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay. Why has he not revoked Executive Order 13823, which is Donald Trump's executive order that revoked Obama's executive order to shut it down. If he was president, he would have the same powers and authority as every other president. But it's evident he doesn't, because he's not the president. In fact, he's not even alive, Biden's funeral was right in front of our eyes.

What we are witnessing today is still a continuation of government aim to reverse the radical brainwash of propaganda on our nation. You don't just flip a switch to change a public opinion, you orchestrate an entire movie, a show where the world becomes a stage in order to create the proper outrage and insight knowledge that enables people to break away from a hypnosis of division.

America is like an innocent child that was kidnapped by a dark satanic cult of criminals and pedophiles using its power to affect worldwide change in its favor. Ten years ago, not many people would be able to grasp this information, but through Trump's presidency, COVID-19, the 2020 election, January 6th and January 20th, and the deep state in Ukraine, we've woken up. We've realized blindly putting faith into government has become our greatest fault and that paying attention matters.

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