Electromagnetic Frequency poisening from the power lines is killing us

1 year ago

Max reading should be no higher than 30 milligauss. Right where we sleep is 194 - 200 milliguass which is ASSAULT LEVEL. According to this EMF Radiation Consultant this type of EMF is directly attributable to Leukemia especially in children. And my Man almost died last year of a form of Leukemia that, surprisingly, is normally only seen in children after being exposed for years and years. He stroked out with a brain bleed which cause a hole in his brain and the capillaries in his ears to burst causing him to loose most of his hearing, some balance and now the Love of My Life has to be on medication for the rest of a now shorter life. Our relationship is forever altered. For me, it's hell on earth as an electrosensitive, there is no where to sit, stand or lay that is comfortable and as they city has added technology after technology it only amps up. There are NO moments free of white hot pressure, ringing in the ears, brain fog and confusion. The front and side of our house is bathed radiation the consultant advises we live in a camper as far away from the front of the house as possible. The neighbors husband died suddenly a couple years ago. We presented the city mayor with 960 pages of court ready evidence of Trespass with Wireless Harms before Leukemia happened and the mayor (addresses as "Your Worship" in meetings) LAUGHED at us. It's not ignorance. It's Willful Ignorance, and that means perpetrator. No matter how much science presented you only get a stone wall.

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