🇾🇪Israel War Update 11.01.'23 - Yemen declares war

8 months ago

< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeQDv8QlHZk >
Initial reports are that Tel Aviv (Mountain of Ripeness/Harvest)
did not fair well. 🙏 (west coastal city, north of Gaza)

Be on the side of PEACE.
"Jesus"(Y'shua) taught LOVE.
Help those who are unable to help themselves.
Help those in need.
Show mercy and forgiveness.
Help one another.
Every able bodied human is to work for helping all others.
Everyone helps each other, continually.
No money = greed, just living together.
It is not money that is evil, it is greed!!!
Reject devisive and immoral religions and denominations.
Follow Messiah.

P.S. This does not mean that you do not have the right to live and defend life,
when faced with threats of injury and death. Just be in a spiritual place of preparation, prepared to meet your Creator and King.

How do you follow the path of Messiah?
Put off the secular and put on the robe of Spirit.
Follow his PERFECT example.
That simple and that difficult.
Just do your very best.
Always hold onto hope.
Yet, when all hope appears lost and gone, cling to Faith!
Have no fear and rejoice in the face of death, when it is your time.

Matthew 24
Acts 4:12
NUMBERS 6:24-26
🖖🏽🕊️Ωmega Knigh†s

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