The Internet Is Struggling To Find The Cat That's Hiding In This Photo

6 years ago

When a cat doesn't want to be paid attention to, it's best that you leave them alone. They are known for their love of personal space and alone time, so they can sleep and relax in peace. Some cats go to great lengths to get away from everyone (including their owners), while others practice their camouflage skills and try to hide in plain sight.

This brings us to the latest internet conundrum - can you spot the cat in the picture? At first glance, it's just a regular picture of some logs in a backyard, but if you take a closer look, you might be able to spot the intruder. The cat in the picture was probably a chameleonin some previous life, but she sure knows how to blend in the environment and become almost invisible!

The internet has been struggling to spot the kitty, and while some say it's downright impossible unless someone points it out, the more attentive ones can spot it with a bit of an effort.

If you can't find it, don't be frustrated - just watch the video till the very end and we'll point out the kitty for you. This could be a fun challenge with your friends - who will find the kitty first?

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