False Flag Event to Start a War

7 months ago

The globalist, megalomaniac, psychopathic, monsters agenda is POVERTY, DEPOPULATION and CONTROL.
Chris Sky points out that the process is very clear and has been used many times over and over.

Chris further notes that Israel has placed suitcase Nukes in virtually every embassy in the world. If we don't comply, the bombs will be detonated.

David Icke points out that Israel has one of the best security systems in the world. Then asks the question "How could Hamas get through one of the most secure areas in the world then stay in Israel for an hour to kill and capture Israelis, WITHOUT ONE SHOT BEING FIRED?"

DON'T BUY INTO A WAR THAT WILL BRING EVERY COUNTRY INTO A WAR NO ONE CAN WIN. NOBODY IS SUPPOSED TO WIN. THE OBJECTIVE IS to force every country in the world to borrow money from the Rothschilds, creating worldwide debt, then DEPOPULATION AND MORE CONTROL.

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