2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 130 - IT'S A TRAP

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Do you feel you are being manipulated? Do you feel you are being coerced into feeling something or doing something? Do you think that all of these current events just don’t add up? Do you feel they have been planned? Do you sense we are being led in a certain direction for a certain reason? Do you feel someone or something is creating a problem to get a reaction, and then they have a solution for you (but it’s not in your best interest)? I could go on, but you get the idea. If you do, you are right!

It is our theory that we are intentionally being led in a certain direction. Or, at least, they are trying to lead us in a certain direction. Some of us are using our brains, thinking critically, and seeing through some of this intentional confusion. This has gone on for a long, long time, but it is now becoming obvious to some. Many remain asleep unfortunately.

Whether it be to think a certain way, to spend our money a certain way, to vote a certain way, to respond a certain way, to support the Ukraine War, or now the Israeli war, the powers that be, the predator class are trying ULTIMATELY to take us down a human Cattle Shoot, which will lead to our own slaughter --- if we let them.

Jim T addition to RINTRO… Almost 3 years ago we were “conspiracy theorists” when we challenged the Jab, and the shutdowns and the distancing and calling out Fauci for what he is, a Luciferian murderer. If you think we’re crazy talking about this subject matter, one of us will be the fool… I don’t think it will be us!

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