Zephaniah 3:17

8 months ago

We can only imagine how the sin in this world grieves the Lord, how His heart breaks. In a world filled with constant sorrow for our precious Lord, it is refreshing to know that we can please Him. Our love and service for God brings Him joy, rest and He sings about our love.
When I think about “rest in his love”, I am reminded of the rest I enjoy from my husband. He shows his love towards me in words and actions. I rest in the knowledge that he loves me with his entire heart and that I need never fear losing his love to another.
Here are a list of ways we can bring joy to God:
-Repentance, Luke 15:7,10
-Faith, Hebrews 11:5-6
-Fear of Him, Psalm 147:11
-Hope of His mercy, Psalm 147:11
-Meekness (Strength under control), Psalm 149:4
-Praying to Him about everything, full submission, Proverbs 15:8
-Speaking His words of righteousness; Gracious words of kindness,
Proverbs 31:26
-Uprightness of my heart; Daily examination, 1 Chronicles 29:17,
Psalm 26:2, Psalm 19:13-14
-Adorn myself with His jewels of mercy, grace, etc. (Gifts of the Holy Spirit) as an adorned bride waiting for the groom, Isaiah 62:5 & 61:10,
Galatians 5:22-23
-Serving Him; Soul winning and Discipleship, Hebrews 13:15-16,
John 10:37-38
I’m sure there are many other references I have missed. I challenge you to join me in creating a list of ways we can bring joy to God so we may seek to “put a smile on His face.”

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