Phantom Culture - Dead Friend Walking, Song No.11 (Hard Rawk)

7 months ago

Many have tried to catch snowflakes with their tongues, but have you ever tried to catch a meteor with your ears. Now is the time. Dead Friend Walking even has dead friends dancing to their raucous rawk.
"Straight from the minds of those on the forefront of the war we call 'humanity', sonic observations of the struggles we face on a daily basis are brought to life. A musical melting of the sublime, the eccentric and everything in between will leave you in a sonic shroud of an all out ass-kickin'!"

Jimmy Shai - Lead/Rhythm Guitar/Vocals
Stevie Sly - Rhythm/Lead Guitars/Vocals
Fingaz Maghee - Bass/Vocals
Michael "The Manimal" Peters - Percussion

[Remember: even if you were there, you weren't this there.]

Phantom Culture realease:
Dead Friend Walking - Song No.11
The International Phantom Gallery of Culture
©2012 to present - All rights reserved by respective parties.

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