Here is my bold prediction.

7 months ago

We are about to go backwards to go forwards in a big way.
I get it that I've said this before, but we are about to learn a whole lot from our B2C counterparts.
And get marketing doing actual marketing again, and moving away from no intent lead gen expensive nonsense.

TARGETING will look like this:
* Company account then persona research. What are the triggers and cross-reference points that enable you to sell their story?
* Account level, why is this good for them? Based on their goals and mission.
* Job boards, hiring, new to role, financials - if tasked with implementing changes, growing?, budget?
* Apollo - Check comparisons of companies you have won with in the past.
* - DISC personality profiled, and list segmented -> what content per persona.
* - you can also create the list specification.

Cross-reference that with:
* Previous — Closed Lost - Bid Contracts and RFP/RFQ - interviews, what were the actual objections. List them.
That's the sweet spot between educational to get you here + isolating and overcoming objections = promised land. Build that.
*You could also get some of this feedback from third-party connections, from undertaking a podcast.
Now, whether that's Sales or Marketing creating content that encompasses all that, it doesn’t actually matter.

* You could utilize the above content, via push ads connected to buyer intent signals.
* You could utilize the above content, via permission-based creative.
* You could do both.
Coupling that with another hot topic of late, regarding Communication Plan Handovers. We go back to how we did this prior to 2010, which looked like this:

Within the pack:
* Completed and approved credit.
* Completed and signed order.
* Completed and signed communication plan.
* Visitation cycle? How often.
* Video call cycle? How often.
* Phone call cycle? How often.
* Parking - Where - Permit no Permit - Validation available yes no.
* Gifts - What do they expect - Coffee - Donuts - Lunch?
* Backup contacts for site(s).
* Agreed KPI’s.
* Stakeholder contacts for QBRs.

CC @Scott Martinis
#ManderovicMethods #ClosedCircuitSelling #Marketing #Revenue #Deals

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