#Bitcoin Whitepaper, & #TLCC, The Halloween Treats Shaking Wall Street on the 15th Anniversary.

1 year ago

🎃👻 Welcome to a special edition of Blockchain 420 Inc.'s Official Channel! Today, we're celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Bitcoin Whitepaper by diving into Bitcoin and the revolutionary impact of the whitepaper as well as how The Love Care Coin (TLCC) is taking that legacy to new heights. This is the Halloween episode that Wall Street wishes could be buried and forgotten! 🎃👻

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#BitcoinWhitepaper #BitcoinWhitepaper15thAnniversary #TLCC #FreeEnergy #Blockchain420 #Cryptocurrency #NFTs #Tesla #AncientEgypt #Revolution #Halloween2023
00:00 Introduction
00:19 Bitcoin White paper 15 year annuversary
00:42 Satoshi Nakamota drops the bitcoin whitepaper
01:13 TLCC picking up where Satoshi left off

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