C R E E P W A V E - Synthwave/Retrowave/Vaporwave/Electronic Music Mix

1 year ago

She has a creeping feeling...is it her imagination or someone watching her from the dark?

00:00 Dance with the Dead - Watching you
04:59 Droid Bishop - Momentary Love
08:47 SOVATE - Stride
12:31 Midnight Danger - Death Comes at Midnight
17:31 Box Of Wolves - OCCASION
21:19 FM Skyline - Act Three
25:03 BABEFAKE - Everywhere
27:39 Slvmber - Cold Pursuit
31:17 The Midnight - Devil Make a Deal (Instrumental)

All music is copyrighted by their respective artists. Many of these tracks can be found from Bandcamp, Soundcloud, or the artist's respective sites.
Artwork by May Day Studios, 2023
Credit for trees: pixabay.com/vectors/tree-branches-silhouette-trunk-6060938/
For more videos, reviews, and images, visit: www.maydaystudios.com

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