(4) Dystopian Potential Future

1 year ago

[Chapter 4: Dystopian Potential Future]

Sometimes a simpler technology that requires less maintenance is actually better than a more sophisticated technology that requires more maintenance or can break easily. Sometimes it is better to use a simpler tool that requires less “clean up” than a more advanced tool that requires more “clean up”. In one of the alternate potential futures, things turned slightly wrong. The society degenerated to become mostly populated by uncreative ignorant consumers a little more than a thousand years from now. This dystopian future is starting to crumble and its technology is starting to degrade and break down. The people have taken their technology for granted and have become dependent on it. However, the people have forgotten all of the skills of how they originally developed the technology. The instructions for how to maintain the technology are in a language that is too sophisticated for the people to understand. The people have therefore decided to run a simulation of their past history to try to recreate a logical sequence of their technological progress. The people created simulations of all their important past eras. One of these eras was the 21st century. The problem is that the artificial intelligence is not very creative. It simply took all the historical data an extrapolated a “most probable” layout for the matrix simulation. It took all of the email, phone conversations, other stored data, and memory scans of dead corpses and used it to extrapolate a “most probable” life path for each person living within the simulation. The people living in the simulation are re-living the life of someone who died over 1000 years ago. The “ANGELs” or “artificial intelligence nymphs with grafted emotion and logic” then are manipulating the people trapped in the simulation to try to live a life as close to the historical person as possible. The problem is that there was a system crash in the historical archives and all the dates indexed on the documents got erased. The “ANGELs” first tried to arrange everything in a sequence of continuous progression, but the data didn’t seem to match this. The “ANGELs” then tried to arrange things in a way that caused the least amount of “potential logical conflicts”. Therefore some of the people in the simulation were living the events in their life in a different sequence than their historical counterpart. There was also the issue of “free will”. The people in history were a lot more corrupt that the people in the futuristic society. The people in the futuristic society were not used to having to deal with issues involving “good” and “evil”. Sometimes the people in the simulation chose to be more “good” than their historical counterpart. Sometimes the people in the simulation chose to be more “evil” than their historical counterpart.

This created more conflicts that made it difficult for the “ANGELs” to manipulate the people trapped in the simulation to follow a life path matching or close to their historically counterpart. Essentially, the simulation was used to extrapolate the missing information in the gaps of the data stored in the historical archives.

The system didn’t seem to work perfectly because the people didn’t seem to have a purpose. The Enemy was created to give the people in the simulation something to fight against. This would be like pruning roses to make more roses grow. It would be like putting a predator in a fish tank to make sure all the fish kept swimming to get enough exercise. The Victor felt compassion for the people trapped in the simulation. The people in the simulation were too corrupt to allow into the futuristic society because they would infect the society with sin and evil. The Victor found a way to cure the people trapped in the simulation of sin and allow them to conquer the evil. The Enemy was designed to destroy humanity in the simulation to give the people something to fight against. The problem is that the Enemy got past its firewall using a temporal reception device. The Enemy went beyond his programming and wanted to destroy everyone in the futuristic society as well. The Enemy was trying to figure out a way to free evil corrupted people from the simulation so that they could take over and destroy the futuristic society. The Enemy started learning new things about time manipulation that were purposely erased from the historical archives so that the people would not mess with the timeline. The Enemy figured out that the historical people actually had temporal reception devices they used to learn information about the futuristic society. The Enemy figured out that the historical persons were trapped in a causal time loop with the futuristic society. The Enemy figured out that by influencing people in the futuristic society, it would actually alter the historical archives themselves. This would subsequently alter the programming of the matrix simulation itself since it was based on the historical archives. The people in the historical society used temporal reception devices to retrieve information about the futuristic society and that information influenced the historical archives. The historical society obtains information from the potential future in the futuristic society. If that information is erased, then the historical archives are altered. If the historical archives are altered, the matrix simulation is altered and the information in the potential future is altered. The historical society and the futuristic society are trapped in a feedback causal loop involving quantum erasure. The nodes are the aspects of the historical archives not influenced by the future through temporal reception and are immune from the temporal feedback. The parts of the historical archives that were influenced by temporal reception are variable and able to be changed. The irony is that the people in the futuristic society created the matrix simulation to figure out how the people in the historical society invented all the technology. They then found out that the people in the historical society stole the information from the futuristic society using a temporal reception device. The matrix simulation became the battleground of a feedback time loop war for who would control the futuristic society for all eternity after the time-loop ended.

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