The Hanged Man Extraordinary Companion

7 months ago

The Hanged Man Extraordinary Companion title is from the date October 31, 2023 thus 48 or #12 the Hanged Man card calling for a halt of action ; a change of perspective and a self sacrifice. The last part of that title lis from the Divine Abundance c Oracle cards we pulled Extraordinary and Companionship cards.

The schumann Resonance today Disclosure site is stuck on yesterday's except for one chart which I could not read the data accurately.

The Space Weather News site showed us a small class C CME goign aways from 180 degrees away. The solar wind density was 3 protons per second . the solar wind speen was about 290 (KPS). The solar wind temperature was at about 8000 Kelvin realatively cool for solar wind. The Kp index of Geomagnetic activity was calm in hte green zone with the highest level being 2 + the lowest at 1 -.
FCB and Lisa Rumble video:https:
Space Weather News site:
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:

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