A Mighty Harlot Is Our Church (Parody)

1 year ago

"A Mighty Harlot Is Our Church" is a parody song of Martin's Luther's "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" written between 1527 to 1529. This song is in honor of Reformation Day - according to Philip Melanchthon, 31 October 1517 was the day German Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the All Saints' Church in Wittenberg. It's also dedicated to the memory of the men and women who came out of the darkness of the Catholic church and into the true light of faith in Christ and salvation by God's grace. Below are links supporting the important lines of this song as well as the full lyrics. If you can sing well, sing hymns to the Lord. If you can sing terribly, sing hymns with others. If you sing terribly and want to sing alone, make a parody song!

If you are a Catholic watching this video and reading this description, I implore you to read the King James Bible and compare it to what your church teaches. The KJB is the eternal word of God in the English language - however, even in a Catholic Bible like the Douay-Rheims, it is obvious the Catholic Church is not accurate to the Bible, and has added a mountain of man-made traditions on top of the Bible. The people behind the Catholic church did this in order to control you through faux religious power and make you serve them in mind, body, and soul. This makes the word of God void, and it is just like the Pharisees did:

"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 
For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."
Mark 7:7-9

You are saved by the grace of God and faith in Jesus alone - the good works come after you are saved and out of love for God, not in trying to "earn" your way to heaven!

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 
Not of works, lest any man should boast. 
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:8-10

Cry out to God in prayer and ask for forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ!

Take care, friend.

A Mighty Harlot
A Popish Woman Rides the Beast:

An Adulteress
Ecumenical Movement To Unite All Religions:

Drinks the Blood
Catholic Persecution of Waldensians:
Sufferings of English Protestants:

Martyrs She's Assailling
Foxe's Book of Martyrs:

Kiss Our Pope's Big Toe
Worship of the Pope:

Pompous Words He Blows
Pope Pius IX Declares Himself Successor to Pagan Emperor Caesar (Pages 318-319, in Latin):
Pope Pius XI Declares He Is God On Earth

Faith and Prayers are fake
Atheists Can Get to Heaven according to Pope:

For Lucre's Sake
Catholic Wealth Incalculable:

All Earth He Is Deceiving
World Leaders Meet At Vatican:

Real Faith
Five Solas Of Reformation:
Song About Five Solas:

Give Christ A Try
I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life:
The Cross of Christ:

Trust Our Mediatrix
Mother Mary as Mediatrix:

Queen of Heaven
Title of Mary (And a Pagan Goddess From the Bible - Jeremiah 7 and 44):

The Word is Latin for "Worship":

Church With Devils Filled
Catholic Church Full of Idols (la Catedral Quito, Ecuador):

Protestants Oppose Us
Quotes From Protestant Reformers:

Hocus Pocus
The Mass and the Transubstantiation of Bread:
Thousands of wafers:

Purgatory Grim
Purgatory Not In The Bible:
Images of false place called "Purgatory":

Indulgences For Sure
The 95 Theses of Martin Luther Against Induglences:

Words In Any Of Our Bibles
Catholic Doctrine Vs Word of God:

Baptizing Babies
A Person Has To Believe On Jesus Before Being Baptized (Ethipian Eunuch):

Hail Marys
Jesus Said Not To Pray Repititiously:

Religion Is A Swindle
Catholic Merchandise Is Big Business (Countless more massive wholesale outlets than this but just an example):

Full Lyrics to Song:
A mighty harlot is our church
An adulteress without failing
Our Mother she drinks the blood
Of Martyrs she's assailling
We kiss our Pope's big toe
While pompous words he blows
His faith and prayers are fake
And all for lucre's sake
All earth he is deceiving

Did we in real faith confide
Then we would not be Catholics
Sure we could give Christ a try
But we trust our Mediatrix
Dost ask who that may be?
Queen of Heaven it is she
Mother Mary is her name
We worship without shame
We just call it veneration

And though our church with devils filled
Makes Protestants oppose us
We will not hear for we are skilled
In massive hocus pocus
The purgatory grim
We pay for those within
Indulgences for sure
We pay to the great whore
Or make a few confessions

Confessing we don't read the words
In any of our Bibles
Our priests and nuns don't either
So they can't hold us liable
Baptizing babies too
And claiming it is true
Hail Marys are a bore
And mass is such a chore
Our religion is a swindle

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