Website Read | “The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion” When the Anti-Choice Choose By Joyce Arthur

1 year ago

I grew up fundigelical, and I used to be pro-life. The older I’ve gotten, the more I see the way society treats children, people treat children and the dismal prospects one faces with having children.

I’ve also seen childcare costs rise, school costs rise, and the overall standard of living decrease.

Is it better for children to be aborted in the womb, or is it better for them to be brought into a world where they’re treated as disposable, unwanted, and undeserving - regardless of their parents being Christian or not?

Let’s take care of the ones here first, then discuss HOW and IF we can and are ABLE to support those coming after us - in FULL consideration of the BLESSINGS that they are.

“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion” When the Anti-Choice Choose:

Article Sources:
Henshaw, S.K. and G. Martire. 1982. Abortion and the Public Opinion Polls: 1. Morality and Legality. Family Planning Perspectives. 14:2, pp 53-60, March/April.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute. 1996. Abortion Common Among All Women, Even Those Thought to Oppose Abortion.

Henshaw, S.K. and K. Kost. 1996. Abortion Patients in 1994-1995: Characteristics and Contraceptive Use. Family Planning Perspectives. 28:4, July/August.

Planned Parenthood of America. Pro-Choice Debate Handbook.

Medical World News. 1987. Abortion Clinic’s Toughest Cases. pp 55-61. March 9.

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