Night of Freedom - OHIO- Night of Life, Healing and Deliverance

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Resistance Chicks are partnering with Harvest Revival Center, BardsFm, the Church of Glad Tidings and more for a night to shake up and cast to the lake of fire the rulers and principalities across the nation & to take back this night of darkness for the LIGHT of Christ! Each location will have a night of worship, healing, deliverance and breakthrough! All 3 Events will be live-streamed on
Resistance Chicks, Pastor Niel Petersen and the prayer team at Harvest Revival Center will be gathering for prayer over Issue 1- the most radical satanic bill on the Nov 7th, 2023 ballot in the entire Nation that would legalize abortion up to birth, remove parental rights, allow children to sign their own consent form for abortion and gender reassignment. It would also open the door to legalized pedophilia, child prostitution and more. We must use the power of God to STOP this satanic agenda! We will also have special speakers, prayer, worship & deliverance! If you need personal deliverance, healing, and prayer we will be there to pray with you ALL night long!
October 31st, 6:30pm EST- All Night
Harvest Revival Center
1488 Johnsville Brookville Rd.
Brookville, OH 45309

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