Treason! Like Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden is the Tip of the Ice Berg

1 year ago

Treason, extortion, blackmail, money laundering, theft, pedophilia, deception, murder, genocide, and ethics violations are common place among the D.C. U.S. Corporation. Like Jeffrey Epstein, none of the criminals committing the crimes are held accountable. Either the D.C. U.S. Corporation is a foreign terrorist group and should be prosecuted as terrorists, or face criminal punishment defined by the U.S.A. law.

The D.C. U.S. Corporation is governed by foreign entities like the World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization, and Non-Government Organizations like GAVI, Builderburg, etc., NOT We The People of the USA. This is counter to the US Constitution, Decoration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. This conflict is not only illegal, but unethical and many times immoral.

Any USA official that uses USA tax donations to support the economy and war of another country does NOT have an allegiance to the USA, and further erode allegiance by allowing illegal migration. Anyone like this is an enemy of We The People USA.

So far, NOTHING has been done to bring charges against these criminals, because there is no law enforcement.

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