End Times Obsession | Ask Frank and Pres

1 year ago

Ask questions about the Christian life...
Email: askfrankandpres@gmail.com

Question: "As a Christian, how much should I focus on the end-times? I ask because there are many Bible teachers/ministries out there who seem to be hyper-focused on end-times or the 'rapture,' or a soon 'escape' from troubles. They seem to have very little teaching and wisdom on how to live and plan for the future, today as believers. It seems to be short-sighted…am I off base?"

Welcome to the latest installment of our series - ASK FRANK AND PRES.
Frank Friedmann and Preston Gillham will attempt to give THEIR PERSPECTIVES on YOUR QUESTIONS about the Christian life and relevant Bible topics.

Preston's Website: https://www.prestongillham.com/
Frank's Website: https://ourresolutehope.com/

#endtimes #rapture #prophecy #frankfriedmann #prestongillham #vinelifepodcast

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