Calling on the United Nations to reject 'The Jewish State'

7 months ago

A response to the absolutely disgusting donning of the Star of David by Israeli delegates to the UN. In so doing, Israel is turning the UN into a laughing stock, a circus (31st of October is Halloween isn't it?) which they manipulate so they can continue making huge profits for Israeli criminal elites.

Full Text:

"This posturing by Israel has to stop. The use of the Yellow star of David is the last straw. As a Jew, an Israeli passport holder and the son of victims of the Holocaust I call on everyone to reject the State of Israel's posing as victims of the Holocaust to justify their complete disrespect for the United Nations, for the International Agreements on Human Rights and the demarcation of a Palestinian state, for their WAR CRIMES which cannot be justified by any crimes committed by Hamas or the Palestinians of Gaza who have been utterly powerless and totally oppressed with the aid of the West, particularly the USA.

The abuse of the Star of David as a reference to the crimes of Nazi Germany is an abuse of power because the memory of the Holocaust and guilt feelings have in the past unduly led to the West ignoring the misbehavior of the Israeli State and forsaking their duty, which falls within the ambit of the UN, to protect all human beings regardless of nationality, race, religion, gender etc.

The UN has to declare itself morally bankrupt as long as it allows the US or any other representative body to sabotage the dual causes of peace and justice. Without a functioning and effective United Nations the people of this world will live in continual threat of war and oppression. For too long the beligerence of the US, Israel and other countries has been tolerated while only outwardly 'condemning' abuses, in a watered down language that leaves ambivalence about the neutrality of the UN and demonstrates that it is in effect a powerless institution.

Since World War II numerous wars and genocides have occurred under the auspices of the UN, and often without outright condemnation. Either we give up completely on the entire undertaking or we need to begin to take the UN seriously as possibly the only assembly on this planet wielding the MORAL power to police nations, free of the self-interest of certain advantaged states, who also happen to generate huge profits for military and pharmaceutical industries, for wealthy and powerful elites.
The spectacle of the Israeli representative to the UN pinning a Yellow star of David to his lapel and expecting everyone to kneel down and worship the Holocaust is sickening. It is a direct desecration of the memory and dignity of those who died in the Holocaust, who I am fairly certain would not have wished others to suffer and die as they did. More so because the actions of the state of Israel threaten the safety of Israeli Jews and Jews of the International community, many of who are turning their backs on the Israeli/Zionist project for precisely the reasons mentioned above. Indeed, many Israelis also reject these actions and many have opted to leave Israel because they see no hope for peace.

The UN is the body that first recognised the state of Israel and it had at the time secured an agreement without which the future of the state of Israel could not be guaranteed: the creation of a Palestinian state. That intention was never realised because Israel and the USA sabotaged it.

We, humanity, must be able to seek solutions 'outside the box'. The de facto annexation of the West-bank and Gaza strip that has occurred due to the manner in which Israel has sabotaged the creation of a Palestinian state and remains the sole power over the lives of millions of Palestinians should cause us to reflect on the concept of statehood, and especially on the concept of a 'Jewish state' i.e. a state that is either racially pure, or in which Jews form a superior class over and above Palestinians, Druze, Bedouins, Palestinian Christians, Samaritans etc. The concept of Israel as a 'Jewish state' cannot but entail inequality and oppression and should therefore have been rejected outright by the UN.

It still can be."

Daniel Waterman, Oct. 31st. 2023

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