Are We Living in the Last Days?

8 months ago

The New Testament provides a prophetic perspective on our current era, which is often referred to as "the last days." These days are considered the interim period between Christ's initial arrival on Earth and His anticipated second coming. The Apostle Paul, in particular, conveyed a solemn message to a young pastor named Timothy, cautioning him about the distinctive characteristics of this epoch in human history.

Paul's counsel to Timothy underscored the idea that the last days would be marked by a significant departure from God's truth as revealed in Scripture. This departure, he suggested, would manifest itself in various forms, ranging from overt and brazen rejection of divine truth to more subtle and insidious distortions of it. This shift away from God's truth in the last days would be a pervasive and unsettling trend, posing a significant challenge to the faithful who sought to uphold and defend biblical principles.

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