President Trump Calls Out Zionist Psychopath Nethanyahu

7 months ago

It should be becoming increasingly clear to those awakening that those who smelt it, dealt it. For 75 years the zionists have exploited the real Jews, people are now standing up and realising who the genocidal nutjobs were...Khazarian, Bolsheviks, Communists, Zionists, Ashkenazi, Nazis.... masters of identity theft. Luckily the internet that was released for our own demise has been used wisely by the brave few, who fought hard against all the odds. We were in a race against time, as 5G and Covid was the Zionist plan to depopulate the planet down to 500 Million, and those who survived genetically modified "Transhumans" connected to the "Internet of Things" controlled by external mind-programming. We knew too much, we knew about the satanic ritual abuse, the child trafficking, the organ harvesting, the money laundering, and more.

The game is up, soon the wrath of God will be seen and those who brought harm to the Gentiles will suffer. Enjoy the show.

Related Information:

Civil War in ISRAEL is coming closer//
_Now the government arms militias to arrest and fight against their own Israeli population who do not comply with Israeli government laws ( news laws that Israelis can not speak out against the government agendas/ ///

_The ugly hidden under belly of Israel's pro Democratic system is now showing the truth of the Fascism as the National Security Minister has armed local extreme Israel citizens with tens of thousands of weapons and guns , these newly created militias by the democrat forces in Israel is controlled by Netanyahu MOSSAD/cia
> this new created militias are working with state forces .
;>ISRAELI MILITIAS are now attacking their own people and arresting them for not complying with new laws passed by the communication minister that says anyone can be arrested for undermining Israeli national morality<

_Now several leaders and influential heads of Israel who do support Zionism, including opponents of Netanyahu are giving warnings of a Civil War coming, where the streets from north to south of Israel will bleed red of Blood if nobody stops the Fascist movements of the MOSSAD/ cia/ Netanyahu controlled regimen.

_Information of Israeli intensional stand down in the Hamas Attack has hit the Israeli society and Mil. INTEL ops are DROPping information to the public sectors , that Netanyahu MOSSAD cia are responsible for the attacks and NEW laws that will be created to silence the corruption of the current regimen. ( currently the Israeli military are keeping the growing inside fight of Military commanders and Leaders hidden as A.I. bots are sharing powerful information among the Israeli people)/////
> there is MASSIVE panic in the Israeli military and Government sectors and their leaders as Netanyahu that a coming civil war in the next months less than a year will lead to a full MILITARY COUP and [ they] will be arrested and face treasonous changes and crime against humanity procedure and charges.
___) The World Storm nears it's important to remember The Great Awakening that really began in 2012 and how the internet shaped the consciousness of humans to awaken. ( of course the internet has two sides. One evil and one good..... I'm speaking of the good and light movement here)
The internet was important to humanity as information was given. Dropped intensionally released through all region's across the globe to bring in the Great Awakening. .... A powerful world conscious grew collectively for the first time in humanity as humans shared information in split seconds. People found and shared important information and their conscious grew quickly and truth movements began and the past surpressed information would be EXPOSED of the DARKEST secrets of the government. World global elites and their agendas....

_It was always the PLAN by White Hats to use the internet to EXPOSE the CABAL.

It was long known the internet would lead to civil unrest ( Awakening between the sleeping and awakened ) and a powerful Revolution world wide.

The Great Awakening is connected to a world conscious that is connected to the sacred spirit, in which is connected to molecular structures that can be reorganized by Faith, hope, love and Grace .


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