The Halloween Island / Super Mario World Hack, スーパーマリオワールド: スーパーマリオブラザーズ4 - Halloween Special

8 months ago

The Halloween Island / Super Mario World (smw) - スーパーマリオワールド: スーパーマリオブラザーズ4

And the final game from the Halloween Special series is The Halloween Island, a hack of the SNES Super Mario World with an entire plot made specifically for Halloween, as the name of the hack already suggests. The game is about a giant masked Koopa that stared to haunt the island, just that, you have to find this giant Koopa and defeat it to bring the island back to normal. Some background, objects, and enemies sprites were redrawn to better match an horror themed game, like some level and pipe tiles got some blood on them, Halloween pumpkins were added to the levels, Koopas now being zombie Koopas, Hammer Bro like the classical Super Mario Bros was added with modified sprites that I don't know how to describe what it looks like, and many others like the overworld being remodelled to better match the game. The behaviour of some enemies was also changed.
The game is not long, even though the levels look a little bit bigger than the original Super Mario World, there are only 9 exits, and the only boss present in the game is the Giant Koopa, the final boss, so mostly you will be able to beat it in less than one hour.
This is the last game of the Halloween Special series, and I think it is a great way to finish it with a game that carries Halloween in its name. The game is not hard, it is kind of funny to play on Halloween. If you are a hardcore Mario enjoyer, this hack doesn't bring a lot of new stuff, but the way the levels are designed is actually quite nice, and it has its own challenges, even though you can overcome them pretty fast since the game is very short. I recommend you to play it if you are not in the mood to play a long game or if you feel like playing a Halloween / horror themed game.

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