Feb 11, 2011 🎺 I am The Lord and this is My Word, Timothy I have chosen

10 months ago

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Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
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I am The Lord & This is My Word… Timothy I have chosen
He is My Trumpet and He shall go for Me

February 11, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Hear the Word of The Lord… The pride of man is grievous, and the heart of man is wicked; even the minds of My own people fight against Me… The light of their eyes is darkened, and their bodies are filled with darkness… Oh how the whole world has become a perversion before Me, and the earth, it is meet for disaster.

Therefore shall I bring forth calamity upon this people, destruction upon this final generation of evil men who are set under the authority of evil men… Hidden evil in high places…

Therefore, little flock, I shall speak concerning My servant… Even of that, which he himself will not believe. From the first time Timothy heard My voice, even to this time, did I choose him to be My trumpet. Lo, I have given him ears to hear My voice, and in all times in which I humble him does he receive wisdom.

Yet from this generation he has been hidden, and no evil man was able to approach him. Even now, all who seek to do him harm shall be struck down; and all who step upon his property, with the intent to harm him or his household, shall be killed.

Thus says The Lord… You, My people, attain no knowledge, and your eyes remain covered with the veil of this world, which skews your vision and confounds your understanding. I tell you the truth, I have set among you a young lion… A sleeping lion, a terror to this generation.

For until now I have had need of him, and until now I have held him down, lest his mind deceive him and he believe himself greater than other men. Therefore have I humbled him, and lo, I will yet bring him down further, until he is broken without hand. For the prophet’s reward comes by measure, and the fullness thereof by brokenness… As one offered upon the altar, as one broken atop The Stone.

Therefore, let all take notice, and let the wolves come forth, and let all savage sheep come forward, that they might come close in his weakness, to have their revenge… That they might dull his sword and shut his mouth forever… Behold, I have made him as a snare, by which I shall catch the rebellious and have the scoffer for a prey… For I am The Lord… And I have taken to Myself a prophet.

He shall go out as John, baptizing with My word and fire, preparing My way before Me. Lo, he shall call down fire as Elijah, and pronounce My judgments over many cities… In him shall be My fullness, and men shall fear. Dread shall break out before his footsteps, and weeping and great mourning after. And all who gnash their teeth against him shall be broken, and those who curse him shall be struck with an awful sickness, until their bowels come out, due to the disease and on account of the sickness… I am The Lord!

And those, who come out to kill him, shall have all their plans quickly turned back upon their own heads. Lo, every weapon they bring against him shall be broken in pieces, causing great harm… For I AM THE LORD! And I tell you… THIS is My servant, and he has brought honor to My name!

Therefore fear, all you who have their hearts set against him… Tremble, all you who bring against him a railing accusation… And bow down, all you who have set yourselves above him.

For the zeal of The Lord of Hosts goes with him, and the strength of The Lord shall be his covering… And the word of My mouth shall speak through him, without ceasing, in the day I send him… For in him shall I come to dwell fully.

I have put My words in his mouth, and The Word of God shall speak… As a venomous viper shall My words strike quickly… As a sharp sword, shall it cut down the mighty… And as a whirlwind shall it blow against them, pushing them backward, striking them with astonishment.

Yet you will not believe, and at My words you hesitate, resisting to your own confusion. I tell you, his eyes have seen The King, and his soul has tasted of the divine gift!… Lo, he has seen My holy place!… Cleansed in My glory…

I have shown him visions and revealed to him secrets… Yea, I have spoken to him in his dreams… Lo, I have even spoken with him plainly, uncovering great mysteries.

Yet the people do not fear Me, and have no respect for My messengers… Only contempt comes forth, that they may persecute them. Even My own turn from Me, to seek their own way, that they might receive glory from men. Yet a servant who seeks glory for The One, who alone is YAHUWAH, is true… And his honor shall in no wise depart from him, for he has been set apart, and in My presence shall he sit, forever.

This is My servant, and in him I am well pleased. He shall be brought to the front of My table at the Feast, him and all who aided him in his calling. And the hearts of many shall sink, and they shall all give Me glory… And it shall be finished. For his justification is in The Lord, and I shall surely see to it… Lest there be children at My table who have come up to the Feast from among the nations, who yet retain their error.

For I am The Lord, and this is My word… And Timothy I have chosen. He is My beloved servant, and he shall go for Me, for the mouth of The Living God has spoken it… I AM THE LORD!

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