Oct 20, 2023 ❤️ It does not look good for this World, pray for Israel... Love Letter from Jesus

7 months ago

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It does not look good for this World... Pray for Israel

October 20, 2023 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Cling to Me, My Heartdwellers. Turbulent times approach, and you must keep your heart and mind stayed on Me and My Omnipotence, My Protection, My Provision. Some of you will soon be with Me in Heaven, so walk now on this Earth as if you were already there. As you read this, I am infusing great courage into your deepest being.”

(Clare) Well, the past few days and weeks have been an exercise in perseverance. Lord, please help me pray and concentrate as I should.

(Jesus) “I see your efforts, Beloved, I honor them, even though you feel like not much is accomplished, I honor your intention to persevere. I honor all your intentions. And do not forget that speaking to Me all day long is also prayer. I think you are missing that point.”

(Clare) Lord, I want to go back to prayer that I can really feel.

(Jesus) “Forgive Me, My Bride, I am giving your feelings to another. So, you must pray without the feelings of having prayed.”

(Clare) Really?

(Jesus) “Yes. I know your limitations better than even you know, and I must reward you. Steadfast intentions to pray even without the feelings. All of you must learn to pray without the feelings because of this oppression. It changes nothing about your souls’ intentions, in fact, there is more merit in praying this way than when you REALLY feel it.”

(Clare) But Lord, You talk about the effectiveness of fervent prayer.

(Jesus) “This perseverance through dryness and distraction is only second best, but very powerful nonetheless. If you do not give in to distractions and leave off from prayer, there is more merit and power in your prayers. You see, what is coming against you counts also as you overcome it. It is your perseverance that counts. All of you, My dearest ones, come to grips with those things that are bothering you, and put them in their place, at the foot of the cross, and we shall work them out together. Remember that your enemy is well aware of all your buttons, and he will ride them. Seek Me for your peace and do not rule out the impossible. Remember also that I am with you, not against you.

“As the world prepares for war, I want you to prepare your hearts to be steadfast and wrapped around Mine. Each moment of the day, when you wake, I am there by your side. I want you to awaken and recognize My presence, so you will not have to face anything alone, for in all truth, you never face anything alone, I do not permit this. My angels are with you even when I do not reveal My own presence to you.

“Prayers have been heard for the delay of this war, however, that does not mean it will be held back indefinitely. Each day brings another set of options that My Father must consider. What you are aware of when you recognize My voice is the same as what I am aware of. You are My Bride; shall I not keep you abreast? I am telling you now, it does not look good for this world, time is closing in and so are My Father’s options.

“Do what you can, while you can, but do not grow anxious, Satan will try to rob you of your peace, and if you give in to his attempts to throw you off track, it will not be good. Remember that for every situation I provided a way out. I have made provision, I am guarding and watching over you. So, seek Me and live.”

(Clare) Lord, are you saying that we are on the brink of war?

(Jesus) “I am. But you must understand an operation as big as a World War takes much preparation from many different quarters. Things move very slowly. You often see only the tip of the iceberg, whereas I see its depth as well, and how close it really is.


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