CAUSE OF: Hate, Murder, Homosexuality, PTSD, addictions, OCD, anxiety, depression, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, other disorders, sin, evil: obeying/complying to dark spirit voices, triggers, influence.

8 months ago

Disembodied spirits are commanded to attach to a human whenever any of the Ten Commandments are broken; they're commanded to keep a human in sin/error by implanting the corrupted, sinful, evil thoughts, triggers, temptations, Pride, hate, fear, etc. into the mind of a human who carries sin, BUT it is only if the human obeys/complies to the voice(s)/triggers that empowers the dark presence to have more authority over the mind. Alcohol/weed/substances grants the dark presence more authority/influence over the mind.

The earth is the ultimate test/training of the Almighty Creator, intended to be for humans to seek a deep personal relationship with the Host/Father Spirit [the Almighty] whom every human is spiritually connected to, similar to how Bluetooth connects devices using INVISIBLE encryption threads. ALL humans are able to earn Ranks in the glorious Heavens, based upon one's relationship with Him, during time on earth. You may even HEAR His still small voice throughout your day, and not recognize it! Such as "give that homeless person some money" or "respond to your mom/dad with their due respect"

Lucifer/Satan's goal is to use the dark spirit realm to totally corrupt the mind of humans with sin/evil, to a point that humans would NOT believe in the Almighty's Existence and to know/use His true Name, so that by Judgment Day, there are no believers in right standing with Him, who could then call for Judgment on His Fallen Messenger{Angel}, ONLY SO THAT Satan could rule for Eternity on lifeless/desolate planet with hundreds of billions of immobile/disembodied spirits of humans who failed to come to belief of the Existence of the Most High/Almighty Creator, stuck wherever the host corpse ended up. The Spirit of our Creator would immediately be withdrawn, which would end all plant, animal, and human life.

Some 6000 years ago, the voice of Lucifer/Satan implanted the deception into the mind of Adam, to eat the Forbidden Fruit. Adam was given ALL power/authority on earth (by the Almighty) and he only knew of GOOD/no evil, but Adam submitted to the voice of Satan, by being tricked into eating the Forbidden Fruit that the Almighty told Adam NOT to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thus all authority on earth went to Satan in the spirit realm. As result, humans are been prone to learning/exploring all there is to know about the ways of evil and sin. This includes creating, spreading, believing, and protecting the lies of the earth, particularly where it matters the most: in RELIGION. Humans are also born as servants of Satan until coming to deep assurance that the Almighty Exists, OR if a believing man has any children, then they are automatically believers until the age of puberty, then may choose to continue in belief or fall away.

All religions stem from Noah's 3 Sons (Adam had deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator), each religion holds its own Truths of the Almighty, but are essentially Paganism and keeping humans from knowing/using Father's true essential Name, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing (aka Yahooeh{aka Yahweh}).

When a human believes the Bible to be His 'Word', they are forcing Him into a tiny Book that HIGHLY restricts Him from communicating with the reader(s), which is what Satan wants, and exactly why the Book is allowed to be so widely distributed throughout the earth, to keep humans from seeking personal relationship with Father Yah, to keep humans from knowing/using His true Name, and instead being tricked into false worship of His only Begotten Son.

The Almighty had it arranged for Satan to be cast into the Pit for 1000 years, which was done undercover in May 2003, BUT in order for this to occur, all Grace/Mercy was to be withdrawn for ALL Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. breaking Yah's Commandment 1 and 2, causing MANY people to unknowingly fall away for false worship of a human, a Book, idols, graven images. Since May 2003, Zeus={Jesus} which stems from Greek term 'ieosus' meaning 'blessed of Zeus', and there is idolizing of Muhammad.

Regarding blasphemous terms: The Nazarites, Yahoodites(Judeans/Jews), Hebrews became fearful of taking His name in vain, but this was twisted Scripture and 'fear' is faith in Satan. They used Adonai Elohim, instead, which Elohim is the Hebrew term for 'Mighty One' which then morphed into Pagan terms {God/theLORD} in the Bible over 7000 times, to further conceal Truth, in this ultimate testing grounds of our Creator who has said regarding unbelievers "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with Me, when they do NOT believe I Exist?"
Safe/simple spiritual cleansing rituals to become reborn/cut off Satanic assignments from tattoos, piercings, body mods/get free of disembodied spirits, curses, and bloodline curses:

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