Kelsey Beasley, Southern Alberta Director - Candidate

1 year ago

Hello, my name is Kelsey Beasley.
I live in east central Alberta, Special Areas. I am currently a director for the Drumheller-Stettler Constituency Association Board. I was asked if I would run for the party board southern Alberta director position, and I am pleased to meet you.
I am running for this position: what matters to me and why I am doing this.
Integrity: Being in integrity with one’s word and actions, conducted through honesty and authenticity. Answering the call to a higher purpose for future generations.
Family: Stewardship of the family unit, guarding our children while developing
Prosperity: Looking to ensure that our created future allows Alberta & Albertans the possibility to enhance prosperity, protect freedoms & ensure self determination.
Heritage: Honouring and keeping that to which is unique to Alberta and Albertans, our amazing heritage.
Spirit: The essence and spirit of being Albertan, endowed by natural law, embodied by something greater than oneself and expressed by our incredible landscape.
A little about myself. I am a scientist by trade, a shepherd by inclination and a fifth generation Albertan, born and raised in Alberta on a mixed farm. My family has an extended history in agriculture, construction, resource management, and oil & gas here in this province and abroad.
I currently ranch alongside my husband John, near Youngstown, AB with our three children,Hannah, Jasper & Clara.
Upon graduating my local high school, I enrolled in Red Deer College and then transferred to the University of Saskatchewan, graduating with a B.Sc. Degree in Biomedical Science (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology). John and I married on his family's satellite ranch in western Manitoba, where we managed operations for several years and started our family. In 2009 we had the opportunity to return to Alberta and have been running and growing our agribusiness since.
I’ve been an avid volunteer in multiple organizations and have held several board
positions including the Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development, Big Country Ag Society, Alberta Sheep Breeders Association, Youngstown Kindergarten Association, Youngstown School Council, Green Hectares and the UCP CA for Drumheller Stettler.
As a devoted mother, partner, equestrian and outdoorswoman, you will find me with my family, shepherding the sheep flock, riding the grasslands, and exploring in the wilderness; back country camping, fly fishing, hunting, hiking, or climbing mountains. I am an ambassador and advocate for ruminant agriculture, ecology, conservation, biodiversity, soil health, local food security and rural communities.
Alberta will always need strong leadership, rural voices, and a straightforward, commonsense approach to governance of this beautiful place we call home. Southern Alberta is a historical and considerable region that has contributed significantly to the foundation for our province’s prosperity. Stewardship & governance go hand in hand and the UCP as the party in confidence of our legislative assembly and provincial executive council is responsible for
overseeing something considered worth caring for and protecting: our created future and the gifts and resources that have been entrusted to all of us in this province. The decisions & policies made today require a voice of authenticity and reason for Alberta and Albertans and that means being in integrity as a membership, including but not limited to, conscious communication to and from the associations.
Looking forward to the future.

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