The Root Cause of Deviated Septums, Social Dynamics, PUA & More - Jesse | JawCast #53

1 year ago

Jesse comes onto JawHacks to share a cautionary tale of his experience with nasal surgeries. He reveals the true cause of his deviated septum and how, frustratingly, he was not made aware by any of the many doctors he saw, but by an online resource, and that it was only after HE brought it up to his doctor that it was considered as a plausible cause. He also comes to talk about social dynamics, game, pickup artists, not growing up in a nuclear family and lack of self & unhealthy validation seeking as a result, depression, effects of cheap food and smoking cannibis, his music career, and more.

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00:00:00 - Introduction
00:02:10 - Official Start
00:03:12 - Jesse's Background & Breathing Troubles as a Youth
00:04:01 - In the 1980s There Was No Awareness on Mouth Breathing, Women Were Told Its Unnecessary to Breastfeed
00:05:13 - Did Jesse Have ADHD Symptoms?
00:06:12 - How Jesse Got His Deviated Septum
00:07:19 - Childhood Pictures & The Gradual Onset of Jesse's Deviated Septum
00:09:14 - After Multiple Operations Jesse Finally Hears from ENT Dr. Steven Parks That Deviated Septum Can Come From a High, Vaulted Palate
00:10:31 - Ron Analyzing Jesse's Palate/Maxilla
00:11:41 - Jesse's Misdiagnosis Story Coming Together
00:12:37 - Tunnel Vision on the Nose by ENTs & Exploitative Aspect to it all
00:13:30 - Jesse Going into Adolescence & Right Before His First Sinoplasty
00:15:38 - Jesse Being Made Fun of For His Face Was His Primary Concern as a Child, Due to Lack of Public Awareness Breathing Was an Afterthought
00:16:59 - First Rhinoplasty (Septoplasty)
00:17:56 - Jesse's First Surgery Failing
00:20:40 - Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
00:23:04 - Nose Reverts to Original Position After 2nd Surgery, but With an Aesthetic Improvement
00:24:12 - Buckle Corridors & High Vaulted Palate as the Cause of Deviated Septums?
00:25:04 - Jesse's Braces Removed & Getting His Canines Shaved Down by His Ortho
00:26:42 - Jesse's Life Would've Been Different if a Professional Noticed His Vaulted Palate
00:28:13 - Missing a Year of School for Nasal Surgeries
00:30:46 - Rogue Piece of Metal Stuck in Jesse's Mouth a Decade After His Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery
00:34:48 - Cannabis Use as a Cope for Airway Issues & ADHD
00:38:10 - Youth of Today Going Awry and Struggling with Autism & ADHD, Mentioned Raina from Earlier JawCast
00:39:12 - Diet as a Pillar of Health
00:42:40 - Convenience of Cheap Food When Ron & Jesse Were Growing Up
00:44:27 - Ron Is Grateful He Had a Good Upbringing & Good Diet
00:46:10 - Health Is a Never Finished Project
00:49:33 - Ron's Experience with Depression
00:53:15 - Jesse's Experience with Depression
00:54:44 - Jesse Lacking a Sense of Self Due to Not Growing Up in a Nuclear Family
00:59:03 - Social Proof & The Social Hierarchy, in Ron's Hometown vs Out of State at Bates College Causing His Depression
01:05:12 - Science of Social Interaction & the PUA Problem Solving Mentality
01:07:08 - Remembering Lines vs Having Real Game
01:10:32 - RSD Tyler & How Ron Realized the Key Was Entering a Flow State
01:12:30 - Jesse's Music Career & Him Reading RSD Tyler's Book 'The Creative Act' and Realizing the Importance of Being Into What You're Doing, Not Just Trying to Please an Audience
01:17:04 - Ron Prefers His Channel to Be at the 'Bottom of the Funnel' Instead of Wider Audience That Misunderstands/Doesn't Care

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