Mining Job Hunt Video 29/10/23

10 months ago

In today’s video we are going to have a look at entry level jobs that employers have no choice but to hire new starters for. We will have a look at a text, one of the subscribers sent in. As you will see he got a Nipper/Truck job in Vic, after doing the sponsors DIY package.

We will also look at an interaction I had on our Facebook page about an article I wrote on the areas of the industry that you do and don’t need to know someone to get a job. Obviously without reading the article this person shared his story of his mate getting him a coal job (well done on the job).

The area of the industry that I say you need to know someone if you want a job. The areas that you don’t need to know anyone that need bums in seats and have to hire new starters is Hardrock Underground and Surface Exploration.

As always it pays to know how the system works to take advantage of it and knowing how the mine works, is the skill all the employers want in their New Starters.

If you are planning a mining career, then it pays to invest in the mining knowledge you will need to survive in one of these jobs as a Nipper, Truck Operator, Agi Operator or Diamond Driller Offsider.

There is 50 hours of important information in the DIY Introduction to Underground Mining package as well as interview prep and a full instruction on how to make a mining friendly resume.

It will not only make it much easier to get a start but it will ensure you have all the information and tools you need to make a career out of it once onsite.
If you don’t want to become a statistic, then education is key.

I hope that info helps.

The Mining Coach


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