Mike Murphy, Giving Hope To People With Cancer

8 months ago

Episode 192 - Hello Health Heroes! For nine years Mike’s wife Margo battled cancer with conventional medicine until she passed. Mike and Marla were in deep love for each other so when she left this world Mike was devastated. Mike’s heart was broken open and he started helping others with cancer. Mike started a non profit called the Love From Margot Foundation which gave away $5000 scholarship to women below the poverty line that had cancer. After helping 200 women Mike realized that most of them died with conventional treatments and that there had to be a better way. Since that decision Mike has built out a state of the art healing experience mixed with living foods and old school natural healing modalities.

The healing resort is called “Mountains Of Hope” and is nestled in the pristine mountains of Medellin, Colombia, one of the most sought out tourist cities in the world today. Medellin is well known for dental vacations and touring in general due to the perfect weather and loving culture. I hope you are as inspired by Mike’s story as I was and excited about Mountains Of Hope. I am personally going to be there for the January 6th 2024 Signature retreat and I want you to join me for two weeks of healing and transformation! Love & Light Coach Tim. To connect with Mike and his team to inquire about your stay go to: https://moutainsofhope.com

Tim’s Favorite, HIGHEST QUALITY Health Product Recommendations:

●  Best Detox & Nutrition Supplements: https://www.chemicalfreebody.com/

●  Best Hydrogen Machine: Tim’s personal unit - CLICK HERE

●  Best Infrared Saunas & Healing Lamps: Tim’s personal unit - Save $100 CLICK HERE

●  Water Purification/Restructuring System: Book FREE Consult CLICK HERE

●  Best Home Air Purification Unit : Tim’s personal unit CLICK HERE

●  Best Non Toxic Home Building Materials: CLICK HERE

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