Don't follow her

11 months ago

“Because you listen to your wife, cursed is the earth in thy work”

Those aren’t my words, those are the words of God spoken to Adam, in the first book of the Bible.

He listen to his wife, followed her lead and his dance with effeminacy becomes hard wired into our fallen nature.

The world tells you respect women, happy wife, happy life.

It’s time for men to step back and give a woman a chance to lead.

God says “thou shall not eat, or surly you’ll die”

But our ancient ancestor did what your typical modern simp would do.

He ate the bitter fruit of failure straight from his wife’s hand.

And today we see the same cycle repeated in most homes.

It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.

Seek Gods will in all that you do, lead your wife in holiness and the righteous path will unfold for you.

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