EASILY Full Auto Galactic Challenge Jakku: First Order….. As Long as RNG Wants to Play

8 months ago

This galactic challenge was initially incredibly easy. It took me two attempts on full auto to max crate this, probably a total of 10 minutes between trials. Yet now, I go to record and it’s just loss-loss-loss-loss-loss. There are three rounds showcased in this video, all losses. I even tried a couple different squads off recording with the idea that if they were successful, I would record near the end just to capture it, but nope, those were massive fails too.

Which leads me to think that this was just an RNG fest and me getting a max crate on only my second attempt was basically a fluke. It is EXTREMELY annoying when you’re trying to make a video to showcase the event and nothing can just cooperate in your favor. Then you just end up making an absolutely worthless video and looking like a total moron in the process.

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