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INTERVIEW Promise Keepers CEO, Ken Harrison

1 year ago

At a time when men need brotherhood and a purpose more than ever, the message of local community of men to take responsibility for themselves and others is desperately needed. But many churches who would agree are afraid of the politically correct perception and have actually cancelled this Christian ministry. Ken Harrison, CEO of PromiseKeepers and author of "A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World: Live. Life Without Waste, Regret, or Anything Unfinished"”.

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  • 0/2000
  • You need to stop worrying about the spec in his eye and worry about the log in your own. You are so caught up in your OWN doctrine it's sick. He's a Jesus believing Christian and trying to bring people together. You may not agree with him on everything, but the important thing is he is trying to get men to be men based on Christian principles. All I can say is SHAME ON YOU.

  • An amazing interview.✅

    1 like
  • He needs to name all the churches and organizations who turned him down because no one should be going there.

    1 like
  • David, I watch SGT Report this morning. Did you know Acapulco was complete destroyed? REPEAT COMPLETELY DESTROYED! They say from a tropical storm but its far worse than that! It was destroyed by a SCALER WEAPON!!!! I know military have "Weather weapons" which is super bad enough!! This is the first time I've heard of a SCALER WEAPON and it's shocking!! It completely destroyed a whole city!!!

    1 like
  • Wonderful word, thankyou for taking a stand for God. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.