Gaza bombardment_ Israel striking near al-Quds Hospital

8 months ago

#alQudsHospital #PalestineRedCrescent #Palestine
Israeli forces are bombing areas close to al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City.
That's after ordering the facility's 'immediate' evacuation, just a few hours ago.

Inside the facility, there's smoke, debris, broken windows, and widespread panic as the surrounding buildings are hit by air strikes.

Medical teams have refused to leave saying they won't abandon their patients.

Some 12,000 Palestinians are sheltering in the hospital.

The World Health Organization and Red Cross are expressing alarm over the evacuation order.

They say it's impossible to move hundreds of patients on intensive care and life-support, and babies in incubators.

Inside the facility, there's smoke, debris, broken windows, and widespread panic as the surrounding buildings are hit by air strikes.

Medical teams have refused to leave saying they won't abandon their patients.

Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum is in Khan Younis, Gaza and Youmna El Sayed is in Gaza city for the latest updates.

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