Culture War | Does True Education Happen Without Searching For Truth and Rigorous Debate? | Does Curricula Matter When Establishing a Biblical Worldview? | Augustine Christian Academy | Classical Christian Education | Guests: Mr. Kirk Post and Max Woods

1 year ago

Mr. Kirk Post and Max Woods join Moms on a Mission Podcast again to discuss curricula and how students best establish a lasting biblical worldview. Max expresses great appreciation of the Classical Christian Education model and how he was able to review primary source documents while “engaging with a raw source of text”. Mr. Post agrees and says that if you are not looking at the original source, you are getting someone’s filter. He continues and says that in order to understand truth, it needs to be viewed through the lens of the Word of God as students learn how to think, not what to think. Mr. Post states that we should respect each other and throw ideas around and wrestle with them. Christians don’t want to examine ideas and put them under the lens of examination, he shares, and that many people don't know why they believe what they do because it’s a feeling.

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