I AM PRIMARY SOURCE #29 10-30-23

10 months ago

God, the I AM, loves each of us infinitely and is never depleted. The fullness of the Love of our Divine Parent transcends all limitation. From this Love comes the LAW OF LOVE.

Start thinking of your graduation out of this classroom called Earth! The Opportunity to reclaim your Divine Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God is before you.

As you learn to do this, dis-ease and disease will begin dissolving from your four lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Jesus offers 8 clear and short steps toward this destination.

Everything you do within Divine Love creates more clarity, love, power …and imperishably. It is also part of the expansion of LIGHT, the overthrow of evil, and the freeing of mankind and the earth itself.

RECORDING SOURCE: Jesus comes to talk with 3 women praying together. One can hear Him. She repeats his words to the best of her ability. This is NOT CHANNELING.

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